Our Products
The EmERGE platform provides secure, digital healthcare solutions that offer timely access to personalised medical and care information to users via a mobile application. The app is linked to a system at their local clinic to review blood and swab results and information which is securely transferred from the data stored at the hospital or clinic. Additional functionalities to supplement remote care, such as secure video conferencing and 2-way messaging with clinicians can be added to the platform to enhance user experience.

- Apple App Store
- Google Play
Used in combination with a clinic-based system for communicating with app users and reviewing results, the Core EmERGE app enables health service providers to implement a secure, digital health pathway. The pathway enables services to be delivered flexibly, either face-to-face or remotely, in response to need. Clinics save time and optimise capacity whilst ensuring patient care, quality and safety at a distance.

- Apple App Store
- Google Play
The EmERGE team have facilitated a local co-design process and have adapted the EmERGE platform to support Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) monitoring. Currently individuals using PrEP for the prevention of HIV transmission need to attend a clinic every three months for a check-up. The PrEP EmERGE app facilitates a digital health pathway, ensuring that users’ have access to their results and other information whilst simultaneously allowing clinics to manage capacity. The app builds on the existing features of the core EmERGE app – incorporating reminders, medication information and links to local support; all integrated with the clinic database.

Clinical Web App
- Browser
The EmERGE Clinical Web Application (CWA) is the part of the EmERGE platform which is used by clinic staff to manage patient results. It sits on a server behind the hospital firewall and receives information from the clinic database via an application programme interface (API). Clinicians can review results and information within the CWA before approving them; the CWA then encrypts the data and sends it securely through the messaging server in the cloud to the users’ mobile device. The CWA can be used to programme local information and frequently asked questions for the EmERGE apps.